This short post is going to demonstrate how we can sum an array of integers or an array of objects that have an
integer attribute.
Let’s start:
Sum array of integers
First version using reduce with block
array_of_i=[10,2,8,5,7,9]sum=array_of_i.reduce(0){|result,item|result+item}puts"Sum of #{array_of_i.join(",")} is: #{sum}"
Second version using reduce giving the method symbol to apply
array_of_i=[10,2,8,5,7,9]sum=array_of_i.reduce(:+)puts"Sum of #{array_of_i.join(",")} is: #{sum}"
Sum of objects that have an integer attribute
Using reduce with a block
classProductattr_accessor:pricedefinitialize(price)[prod1,prod2,prod3]sum=array_of_products.reduce(0){|result,item|result+item.price}puts"Sum of array_of_products is: #{sum}"
I am pretty sure that you can come up with other methods of doing the above. Can you post in the comments any alternatives?
Advantages and disadvantages?