Book & Table
Live Demo
You can see a live demo of the application here. You can sign up as student in order to have access to the internals of the app.
Application Purpose
It’s a marketplace for students/parents/learners to find tutors on various subject areas. Besides the matching, the application offers various features to their users:
- Ability to Invite Friends, via email and via Google contacts.
- Students rate their experience with the tutor.
- Text/SMS notifications for various important events.
- Full integrated messaging functionality.
- Follow up and history on all lessons with the tutors.
- Payments via Stripe payment gateway.
- Tutors are being paid out to their Bank Account (using Stripe API).
- Tutors form teams and they can refer a student to another tutor and earn money.
- Point system that allocates points to tutors and affects the ranking of tutors on search results.
The biggest challenges for me on this project, things that I really enjoyed and learned new stuff:
- Inherited a project code base that didn’t have a single test. So, I had to quickly write tests for the core features, at that time, of the app.
- Full front-end development. That was my first project that I did full front-end development. I can finally call myself full-stack engineer. I am very proud of the result, although, the enemy of good is the better one, which means that I could always have done it better. The final result is fully responsive on mobile devices.
- Mobile API with authentication. That I enjoyed it very much. My first API to support the mobile iPhone application. It had to support authentication both with email / password and with social networks like Facebook and Google.
- Apple Push Notifications. Had to integrate with Apple Push Notification Service.
- Stripe Managed Accounts. I have worked a lot with the Stripe API to create managed accounts. Since the app was not just to charge the users. Had to do it on behalf of the tutors.
- Stripe Bank Accounts. I had to implement the bank account pay out integration with Stripe.
- Integration with Twilio for SMS/TEXT notifications. Both application-outgoing and application-incoming flows.
- Background Check and integration with Checkr. Had to follow the exact requirements about how pages would be designed and implement callbacks to get check results.
- Swagger. The tool to create documentation for APIs. This is the page that has the documentation of the API that I have designed: Book&Table Mobile API Documentation.
- Client-side page walk throughs and interactive help. I have used two tools for this. Hopscotch and Sideshow.
Technologies Used
- Deployed on Heroku
- PostgreSQL database
- Ruby on Rails
- Javascript & jQuery
- Twitter Bootstrap 3.0 - The app is fully responsive
Ruby on Rails Special Considerations
- Ruby 2.2.3
- Rails 4.2
- jbuilder: For JSON API
- rolify: For role-based authorization
- devise: For authentication
- simple_form: For quick form styling
- carrierwave: For uploading of files and images
- haml: To write cleaner view code
- stripe: To integrate with Stripe gateway
- griddler: To parse incoming SendGrid emails
- omniauth: To integrate OAuth2 authentication
- cancancan: For REST authorization
- delayed_job: For background tasks
- state_machine: For state models
- draper: For the decorator pattern
- money-rails: For modeling amounts / Money
- acts_as_list: To keep objects in a list
- tinymce: For rich text editors
- twilio-ruby: For integrating with Twilio API
- friendly_id: For slug functionality on URLs
- google_url_shortener: For integrating with Google URL Shortener service
- google_contacts_api: For integrating with Google Contacts
- checkr-official: For integrating with CheckR background checker.
- api-auth: For building an API and applying authentication to it.
- houston: For Apple Push Notifications
- aws-sdk-resources: For integrating AWS services
For testing I have used:
- RSpec
- Capybara
- Cucumber
- SitePrism
- FactoryGirl
- and other gems
Project Data
- About 18 months
- About 250 models
- About 100 tables
- About 100 controllers
- About 460 cucumber scenarios
- About 1100 rspec unit tests
- About 130K lines of code