Panos Matsinopoulos

Passionate software reader, writer, devops builder and classical music lover.


Application Purpose

This application allows research institutions and their contract administrators to easily track pending and executed Material Transfer Agreements. More about this on ezMTA.

Special Features of the Application

  • SaaS
  • Multiple Accounts
  • Multiple Users per Account
  • Two roles of users, administrators and regular users
  • File Attachments
  • Notes that can be sent via e-mail
  • Online payments with credit cards
  • Billing takes place every 30 days since Account registration
  • Each Account belongs to a Billing Cycle Day
  • Automatic charge of Account credit card at the billing date
  • Multiple price plans

Technologies Used

  • Linux distribution (Debian 6)
  • Ruby on Rails
  • MySQL
  • SOLR
  • Hosted on Amazon cloud

Ruby on Rails Special Considerations

Project Data

  • About 2 months
  • About 30 models
  • About 20 tables
  • About 20 controllers
  • About 1300 tests
  • About 1800 lines of code
